Summer Projects

Now that my spring semester is over, it’s time to get excited for summer! Here are some things I hope to work on in the coming months:

Finally, I’m taking a class on the history of children’s lit – my last class before I graduate! This isn’t a creative project per se, but … well … I had so much fun rewriting “The Snow Queen” that I hope I’ll come across some more children’s classics that I can adapt, hopefully not butcher, and maybe publish!

Wish me luck!


I was supposed to play my set at a library event today, but I ended up going home sick instead. Boo.  I am kind of bummed about that.

There is talk about another library event coming up that features music, and this one (if it happens) will be open to the public.  So Pittsburgh readers check back–I’ll let you know what’s happening.

5000+ Views

Guys, my first novel-length story, To Death, passed 5000 views today!  I am so excited!

The next story of this caliber will be a real, publishable novel, so I’ll let you know how and when that develops. In the meantime, this is basically my firstborn child, and I’m so thrilled to see that people like it!